Spear Grass Warning

Poor Henry (Miniature Schnauzer) and his Mom spent hours at the emergency clinic in Victoria just a few days ago.  He unfortunately inhaled a spear grass seed and had to have it removed under anesthetic.

So, take care where you walk your beloved friend, as with this dry weather, these weeds are going to seed now and this is what presents such a danger.

The below mentioned link is a very thorough document on these plants and their dangers:

Spear Grass-an example of nature’s dark side.

Dental Care For Your Miniature Schnauzer

I have completed a 3 month trial with the popular dental care product called “PlaqueOff”, by ProDen and had impressive results.

This product eliminates tarter and reduces plaque build up, resulting in less expensive dental bills for your beloved Miniature Schnauzer.

It is a seaweed product which comes in a dried, granular format. You simply sprinkle a scoop (included in container) of PlaqueOff on your dog’s food.

I have incorporated this product into my daily feeding program. It can be purchased from most pet shops and Amazon.com.

The jar looks like this:

You Are Your Dog’s Best Friend

You are your beloved Miniature Schnauzer’s best friend. With such an honour to live up to, do not allow your dog to become over weight. Obesity in Miniature Schnauzers will definitely shorten your best friend’s lifespan, as well as, obesity opens up health issue doors such as diabetes, pancreatitis, bladder stones – the list goes on and on.

So, remember, if you must give you dog treats throughout the day, make sure that you decrease their next feeding by the amount of treats that you dished out.


It has come to my attention that Campylobacter is becoming prevalent in the world dog population.

Campylobacter is a bacterial infection that resides in the gut of humans, cats, dogs, sheep, cattle and etc.

50% of canine population has this bacteria in their system. Outbreaks can be caused by drinking affected water, eating raw meat, stress, injury, in contact with affected carriers and the list goes on.

This bacteria is not completely understood, however, it is on the increase. Puppies are most likely to show signs of hosting this bacteria as their little bodies have not built up sufficient immunities.

Symptoms of this outbreak are the following: loose stools, minor to severe diarrhea, anal mucus discharge, loss of appetite, “butt-dragging”, etc. In adult dogs, this outbreak will run its course and thus allowing the dog to build immunities to this host. In puppies, do not allow these symptoms to persist for more than two days.

For treatment take a fresh stool sample to your Vet for microscopic evaluation. Your Vet will supply you with a prescription of antibiotics which will kill the bacteria colony within hours.

Remember to provide your friend with fresh water and to daily do your poop scoop due-diligence.

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